VOLVO / MACK 2014 + OBD2 SCR/DPF DELETE Remote Tuning

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  • Regular price $1,800.00

Remote, Quick and Safe DPF/SCR delete tuning for MP7, MP8, MP10 OBD2013 or US14 engines. 

US Volvo VNL (Volvo trucks, Mack trucks, Volvo buses USA newest model, since 2014, 16-pin OBD diagnostic socket) delete solution via reprogramming.


    Important exception 1 (Mack): DPF message on the dashboard may occur on some instrument cluster versions.

    Important exception 2 (Volvo/Mack): A fault code: MID140 (instrument cluster) PPID278 FMI9 (After-treatment reagent level) will occur, the reason is that DEF level is not available on the trucks with DEF system deleted.

    Main features:

    • No DEF/AdBlue gauge stuck on empty level (in case of using VLOMINGO Tuning Adapter).
    • No fault codes (see exception).
    • No torque reduction.
    • No OEM SW from EU3 trucks.
    • 3 or 4 SCR-related ECUs are flashed in parallel.
    • Minimal intervention into current ECU DataSet. We know what we do. No one unrelated parameter will be changed.
    • 20 minutes (or less) for each truck.
    • Very simple equipment requirements.
    • Limited lifetime warranty.

    Equipment requirements

    • АСМ must be unplugged
    • Laptop/PC/VM with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11.
    • Communication adapter: 88890020, VoCom or ANY RP1210C (Nexiq USB-Link, Noregon DLA , DPA5, Inline6, etc).


      Important exception 1 (Mack): DPF message on the dashboard may occur on some instrument cluster versions.

      Important exception 2 (Volov/Mack): A fault code: MID140 (instrument cluster) PPID278 FMI9 (After-treatment reagent level) will occur, the reason is that DEF level is not available on the trucks with DEF system deleted.

      How to:

      1. Using this Order form to fill out Truck VIN #
      2. Choosing a date and time between Midnight and Noon (MT) Mountain Time.
      3. Setup your Laptop, Adapter, and make connection to your TechTool software.
      4. Unplug ACM and both NOX sensors.  
      5. Contact us by Email with your "Order # and Teamviewer ID/Password" 15 mins prior to your scheduled time.
      6. As soon as we complete your order you will get a notification. Please Check that no one emission code(s) are active. With your Tech Tool.


      System requirements:

      • Laptop/PC/VM with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
      • Communication adapter: 88890020, VoCom or ANY RP1210C (Nexiq USB-Link, Noregon DLA , DPA5, Inline6, etc)
      • ANYDESK Remote connection software CLICK HERE


      Warranty Terms

      Warranty cases are:

      • Aftertreatment-related fault code appears during truck usage period.
      • Aftertreatment-related message is shown on the display
      • Torque derate caused by aftertreatment fault codes

      Non-warranty cases are:

      • ECU replacement (different ECU serial numbers detected than stored into database during reprogramming)
      • Software update campaign performed (different software detected)
      • Copyright violation. Cracking/readout attempts detected (different fingerprint is stored into ECU)